The Times of India’s new social-media policy completely misses the point, and therefore will fail


Many journalists both in India and elsewhere are up in arms about a newly released social-media policy for reporters and editors who work at the Times of India, one of that country’s largest newspaper companies. As Quartz reported earlier this week, the Times came out with a policy that places some Draconian restrictions on what journalists who work there can and can’t do with their social-media accounts. Is it the worst such policy in the entire newspaper industry? That’s entirely possible, but one thing is for sure: it’s bad not because it tries to regulate the use of social media, but because it misses the point behind using such tools in the first place.

The policy as reported by Quartz required reporters for the Times to have a corporate account on Twitter and Facebook — an account through which they would post or distribute links to their articles, and…

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